Перегляд за Автор "Коровін, Валерій Борисович"
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Документ Застосування високочастотних джерел електромагнітних полів у стелараторах Ураган(Харків: Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2020) Коровін, Валерій Борисович; Korovin, V.B.Korovin V.B. Application of RF sources of electromagnetic fields in Uragane stelarators. - Manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate Degree in physical and mathematical sciences. Specialty 01.04.08 - Plasma physics. - National Research Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" Institute of Plasma Physics. - V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Kharkiv, 2020. This dissertation presents the results of experimental research of the developed RF sources intended for creation and heating of plasma by pulsed RF fields in Uragane toroidal installations. The study of the influence of plasma on the operation of the created high-power pulsed RF generators Kascade-1 and Kascade-2 is conducted. The results of the experimental study of RF cleaning of the vacuum chamber of stellarators carried out with the help of this equipment are presented. The result of studying the cleaning of a vacuum chamber by a continuous VHF discharge with the help of an improved source of electromagnetic field of the VHF range is presented. The possibility of using such a source, creating a continuous VHF discharge at a frequency above the cyclotron resonance for cleaning the vacuum chamber of the stelarator, has been experimentally confirmed. Measurements also confirm that the discharge is three-dimensional.