Перегляд за Автор "Ромащенко, Олена Володимирівна"
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Документ Динаміка та фазові стани макрочастинок в пучково-плазмових системах(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2021) Ромащенко, Олена Володимирівна; Ромащенко, Елена Владимировна; Romashchenko, O.V.Romashchenko O.V. Dynamics and phase states of macroparticles in the beam-plasma systems. – Manuscript. Thesis for a Doctoral Degree in Physics and Mathematics: Speciality 01.04.08 – Plasma Physics. – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kharkiv. 2021. The thesis is devoted to the theoretical study and numerical modeling of the interaction of macroparticles (MPs) with the low-temperature plasma of the low pressure in the presence of the electron or ion beams. The physical mechanisms of the MP dynamics and phase states in the beam-plasma systems are shown to be complex ones. The processes of the MP charging in the plasma with electron (ion) beam, the processes of the energy exchange between the MP and the plasma with electron (ion) beam, that influence the dynamics and phase states of the MP in the beam-plasma systems, are considered. The effect of different electron emission processes on MP charging in the plasma with electron (ion) beam is studied in detail. In particular, the effect of the secondary electron emission, which is directly induced by electron (ion) beam bombardment, on MP is considered. Besides, the consequences of the MP bombardment by the electron (ion) beam due to the increasing of temperature and absolute value of negative potential of the MP are examined, namely the thermionic and field electron emissions. The theoretical model of the MP charging in the beam-plasma systems is modified to account the possible electron emission processes from the MP surface, such as secondary electron-electron emission, the thermionic electron emission, the field electron emission and thermal-field electron emission. The role of each electron emission is determined.