Перегляд за Автор "Burmaka, G.P."
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Документ Запорошена плазма в режимі розпаду та формування вуглецевих нанотрубок в плазмі(Харків: ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2017) Бурмака, Г.П.; Burmaka, G.P.Burmaka G.P. Dusty plasma in afterglow regime and formation of carbon nanotubes in plasma. – Manuscript. Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of sciences in Physics and Mathematics by speciality 01.04.08 – Plasma Physics. – V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2017. The thesis is devoted to the theoretical study of the effect of metastable atoms and electron secondary emission at ion-electrode collisions on a dusty plasma afterglow, and the theoretical study of the growth of vertically-aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes in plasma. The properties of dusty plasma in the afterglow regime and the growth rates of forest of single-walled carbon nanotubes in plasma are studied. A model of constant density for an argon dusty plasma afterglow is developed. In particular, physical processes taking place in argon/dusty plasma afterglow, when charge density of dust particles is larger than the density of electrons, are investigated. The influence of electron generation in metastable-metastable collisions on electron density is studied. It is shown that the electron generation in metastable-metastable collisions may significantly affect the electron density in a dusty plasma afterglow due to higher metastable densities in dusty plasmas comparing with those in the dust-free case. This process provides an increase of electron density at the beginning of the dusty plasma afterglow. It is found that the electron temperature decreases faster in the dusty plasma afterglow comparing with that in the dust-free case because of the electron energy loss on dust particles.