Перегляд за Автор "Morhun, H.M."
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Документ Особливості мікроеволюції та адаптації чужорідних безхребетних тварин унаслідок інвазії в водойми Азово-Чорноморського басейну(Харків: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2021) Моргун, Галина Миколаївна; Morhun, H.M.Morhun H.M. Features of microevolution and adaptation in alien invertebrate species due to invasion into the Azov-Black Sea basin. – Qualification scholarly paper: a manuscript. Thesis submitted for obtaining the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Biology, Specialty 091 – Biology. – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2021. This dissertation studies the invasions of invertebrate animals in water bodies of the Azov-Black Sea basin and specifies the features of microevolution in these populations as well as their phenotypic diversity. Exotic animals are believed to be useful objects to study the processes of geographical isolation, hybridization with closely related species, and adaptation to new natural environments. Such studies help to better understand microevolutionary processes occurring during invasion, since genetic diversity of non-native animals is determined by the founder effect (random genotypes from the native habitat). New information on non-native populations contributes to the knowledge of their ecology, systematics, distribution and the variability of these species that can be shaped by new ecological conditions that may be other than their native ones.