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Документ A History of English Literature(2001) Shevchenko, I.S.The teaching and studying of British Literature is a challenge to all of us. This manual is designed to help everybody face this challenge. The course embraces the leading points of British literary process from its dawn to the present period. The manual provides updated information on literary trends, the plots and critique of famous books, brief biographies of the authors and their artistic views. Its contents correspond to the general line of development of British literature as viewed by the leading British scholars and sometimes deviate from the official scholarly tradition in this country; in such cases we thought it necessary to present both points of view.Документ Bilingualism and linguistic ideology in the United States(Харкiвський нацiональний унiверситет iм. В.Н. Каразiна, 2014) Shevchenko, I.S.; Шевченко, І.С.У статті розглядаються питання білінгвізму і мовних прав людини у поліетнічній державі США. Наводиться огляд законодавчої бази США та ООН у царині мовних прав людини. Мовна політика в поліетнічному суспільстві трактується як прояв боротьби еліт за владу. Аналіз історії та сучасного стану мовної політики в США доводить, що білінгвізм не загрожує національній єдності, а навпаки стимулює розвиток суспільства. В статье рассматриваются вопросы билингвизма и языковых прав человека применительно к полиэтническому государству США. Дается обзор законодательной базы США и ООН в области языковых прав человека. Языковая политика в полиэтническом обществе трактуется как проявление борьбы элит за власть. Анализ истории и современного состояния языковой политики в США доказывает, что билингвизм не угрожает национальному единству, а наоборот, стимулирует развитие общества. This article discusses issues of bilingualism and linguistic human rights in the USA as a multiethnic country. It provides an overview of the legal framework the U.S. and the UN in the area of linguistic human rights. Linguistic ideology in a multiethnic society is treated as a manifestation of the elites’ struggle for power. The analysis of the history and current state of linguistic ideology in the United States shows that bilingualism does not threaten national unity, but rather stimulates development of the society.Документ Conceptualization of interaction styles in discourse: a diachronic analysis of MODESTY(Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association and University of Wrocław, 2017) Shevchenko, I.S.This paper narrows in on the conceptualization of modest communicative behaviour lexicalized in the English language and discourse; in particular, it reconstructs its historical variation. Using online British databases I will first single out the lexical-semantic properties of the concept’s name; then find out the concept’s categorical characteristics; model its cognitive schemata; single out the concept’s discourse realization, the range of cognitive metaphors, and finally trace their changes through history.Документ Discourse Categories: A Case for Metacommunication(Sheffield, 2015) Shevchenko, I.S.Документ English Literature for inerpreters(2010) Shevchenko, I.S.Документ Language ideology in the Unated States and linquistic human rights(Харків: Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2000) Shevchenko, I.S.Документ Multimodal representation of the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME(2018) Davydenko, I.V.; Shevchenko, I.S.; Давиденко, Інна Володимирівна; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаThis paper focuses on the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME, its conceptual properties and means of linguistic representation; and examines the contribution of the data of its multimodal discourse actualization to the cognitive linguistics framework. In cognitive semantics, HOUSE/HOME proves to be a conceptual duplex constituted by various meanings of the polysemantic nouns house and home, and elaborated by the meanings of their synonyms. Within a conceptual network, their common meanings are arranged according to the domains where they are profiled: HUMAN LOCATION / DWELLING, FAMILY. The study of their salience in speech (in literary texts) considers their contextual elaborations, and establishes groups of lexical-semantic variants which are finally blended together within a conceptual model of HOUSE/HOME. This model is a unity of an integral and two differential parts. The integral part is constituted by the meanings: "building where a person lives (with his family)", "dwelling place", family life", "family" shared by the lexemes house (n) and home (n). The differential parts of the model are formed by the meanings which are specific for each polysemantic lexeme. To analyse the HOUSE/HOME actualization in discourse the study adopts a broad perspective on multimodality. It relies on the interaction of verbal and graphic codes and reveals that these semiotic systems are non-isomorphic in representing various meanings of the concept duplex.Документ Transformations of expressives through history in cognitive-communicative perspective(Харків: Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2015) Shevchenko, I.S.