Перегляд за Автор "Tretiak, K.K."
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Документ Нагрів і діагностика плазми тороїдальних пасток короткохвильовими високочастотними полями(Харків: ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2017) Третяк, К.К.; Tretiak, K.K.Tretiak K.K. “High-frequency short wavelength plasma heating and diagnostics in toroidal traps”. – Manuscript. Thesis for the scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences by specialty 01.04.08. – Plasma physics. – V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2017. This thesis deals with investigation of high frequency electromagnetic fields distribution features in inhomogeneous toroidal plasma in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies and with exploring of new plasma diagnostic methods, based on dual-polarization reflectometry. These methods are usable both in stellarators and spherical tori. Theoretical research of high frequency fast wave heating in torsatron “Uragan-3M” inhomogeneous plasma was performed. The decisive influence of three-dimensional inhomogeneity plasma parameters of “Uragan-3M” torsatron on fast wave propagation and absorption is shown for the first time. The features of slow wave propagation and absorption in ICRF in the toroidal non-uniform plasma were investigated by ray tracing technique. It was revealed that this wave penetrates poorly into the plasma core and heats the plasma periphery above all. All the radiated power is absorbed near the antenna region due to Landau damping and collisional damping. Special iterative algorithms for integral equations solving are developed. These integral equations connect phase shifts of ordinary and extraordinary waves with a spatial distribution of plasma parameters. The possibility of using dual polarization reflectometry for “Uragan-2M” torsatron density profile measurement is investigated. Finally the new effective method for poloidal magnetic field profile reconstruction in the spherical tokamaks is presented.