Перегляд за Ключові слова "146а"
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Документ Імунопатологічні синдроми у хворих на системні аутоімунні хвороби: імунопатогенез та тактика ведення(Харків: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2021) Гайдучок, Ігор Григорович; Hayduchok, I.H.Hayduchok I. H. Immunopathological syndromes in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases: immunopathogenesis and patient surveillance. – As manuscript. The thesis for the scientific degree of the doctor of medical sciences in specialty 14.03.08 – Immunology and Allergology. – Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2021. This disertation is dedicated to the study of the immune - dependent and molecular genetic mechanisms of the development of immunopathological syndromes in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases, and to the study of their prevalence and management of such patients with assessment of pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacoeconomic feasibility of support therapy.