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Документ The analysis of viability evaluation method for microorganism cellular forms after cryopreservation(Харкiвський нацiональний унiверситет iм. В.Н. Каразiна, 2000) Vysekantsev, I.P.; Kadnikova, N.G.; Martsenyuk, V.F.The review of existing evaluation methods of viability of microorganisms is presented. The feasibility to apply these methods for the estimation of viability of microorganisms after cryopreservation was analysed. Представлено огляд існуючих методів оцінки життєздатності різних клітинних форм мікробів та проаналізовано їх придатність для оцінки збереження мікрооргнізмів після кріоконсервування. Представлен обзор существующих методов оценки жизнедеятельности разных клеточных форм микробов и проанализирована их пригодность для оценки сохранения микрооргнизмов после криоконсервирования.Документ Arrhythmias(2013-10) Bogun, L.V.; Yabluchansky, N.I.; Abdueva, F.M.; Bichkova, O.Y.; Fomich, A.N.; Garkavyi, P.A.; Kulik, A.L.; Lysenko, N.V.; Makienko, N.V.; Martimyanova, L.A.; Soldatenko, I.V.; Tomina, E.E.Документ Arthritis as a manifestation of infective endocarditis(2020-12-01) Uvarova K.H.; Уварова, Карина ГеннадіївнаДіагностика інфекційного ендокардиту є складним завданням для клініцистів. Актуальним є питання раннього виявлення інфекційного ендокардиту, оскільки летальність при цьому патологічному стані висока; також поряд з класичними симптомами захворювання нерідко зустрічаються його атипові прояви, так звані «маски» інфекційного ендокардиту.Документ Blood circulation values in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy during the first 6 months in different stimulated QRS complex duration classes(2015-11-28) Shanina, I.V.; Volkov, D.E.; Yabluchansky, N.I.Twenty nine patients (10 — females, 19 — males) with obtained cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) treatment were examined at the department of ultrasound, clinical and instrumental diagnosis and minimally invasive technologies of SI «V.T. Zaitsev Institute of General and Emergency Surgery NAMS of Ukraine». Patients’ average age was 69±7 years. The frequency of ventricular rate of spontaneous and induced rhythm, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, interventricular septum, posterior wall thicknesses, left and right atriums, right ventricle sizes were evaluated before treatment, in the early postoperative period (the 3rd– 5th day) and 6 months after CRT-device implantation. Carefully executed CRT with high-quality selection of the electrode application point and adequate medical support can not only prevent the further extension, but also, in some cases, can shorten the duration of the extended baseline QRS complex with improving functional blood circulation values. CRT with high-quality selection of the electrode application point and adequate medical support is an effective treatment in patients with chronic heart failure.Документ Bronchial asthma(2021-05-28) Kolomytseva, I.M.Документ Brugada syndrome: solving the mystery of “Deadly dreams”syndrome(Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2021-10-28) Shmidt, Olena Yu.Документ Case History of Familial Combined Hyperlipoproteinemia(2019-05-13) Babii, O.; Simonova, I.; Vasylenko, O.Документ Case of Brugada syndrome(2021-10-28) Alagbo, Habib O.Документ Chronic cough(2015-04-07) Litvin, A.S.Документ Comparative analysis of patients with persistent atrial fibrillation in conjunction with coronary heart disease in the early period after implantation of the pacemaker and cardiac resynchronization therapy during the medication(2015-12-21) Pochinskaya, M.V.; Volkov, D.E.; Yabluchansky, N.I.Документ Conduction disorders(2013-10) Bogun, L.V.; Yabluchansky, N.I.; Abdueva, F.M.; Bichkova, O.Y.; Fomich, A.N.; Garkavyi, P.A.; Kulik, A.L.; Lysenko, N.V.; Makienko, N.V.; Martimyanova, L.A.; Soldatenko, I.V.; Tomina, E.E.Документ Craniometric measurements of artificial cranial deformations in Eastern European skulls(2011-03-29T13:34:20Z) Arnold, W.; Fedorischeva, V.A.; Naumova, E.A.; Yabluchansky, N.I.Standardized lateral cephalograms of eleven skulls with artificial cranial deformations from Eastern Europe and twenty normal skulls from the same population were made,digitized and imported into the AutoCAD 2005 computer program.The x- and y coordinates of defined measuring points were determined and angle measurements were made.The form difference of the skulls was tested with the Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis (EDMA) and the difference of the angle measurements were compared statistically using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test.All deformed skulls belonged to the tabular fronto-occipital type of deformation.The results of the EDMA and the angle measurements indicated significant differences for the neurocranium and the facial cranium in height between the normal and the deformed skulls, but not in the cranial length.It can be concluded that in Eastern Europe one method of cranial molding was used.The deformation of the neurocranium also affected the development of the facial cranium regarding facial height.This may indicate a dependency of the developmental fields of the neurocranium and facial cranium.Документ Effects of iodine supplementation on physical and psychomotor development in young children and their neurological status(2017-11-20) Mamenko, M.; Shlieienkova, H.Документ Evaluation of spirometry and heart rate variability parameter indices’ prognostic meaning in the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease therapy(2006-09) Yabluchansky, N.I.; Bondarcnko, I.A.; Zinkovitch, I.I.Документ Heart failure(2013-10) Bogun, L.V.; Yabluchansky, N.I.; Abdueva, F.M.; Bichkova, O.Y.; Fomich, A.N.; Garkavyi, P.A.; Kulik, A.L.; Lysenko, N.V.; Makienko, N.V.; Martimyanova, L.A.; Soldatenko, I.V.; Tomina, E.E.Документ Heart Intelligibility and CHD: new approaches to patient diagnostics and care(2009) Yabluchanskiy, M.I.Документ Heart Intelligibility and CHD: new approaches to patient diagnostics and care(2002) Яблучанский, Н.И.Документ Heart rate variability and efficacy of the enalapril maleat therapy of chronic heart failure patients(2004) Ignatkina, O.V.; Yabluchanskiy, M.I.Документ Heart Rate Variability Saga(2003) Yabluchanskiy, M.I.