Наукові роботи. Факультет іноземних мов
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://ekhnuir.karazin.ua/handle/123456789/33
Документ The concept polysemy net of the polysemantic lexeme home (n.) – the name of the concept HOME(Харкiвський нацiональний унiверситет iм. В.Н. Каразiна, 2011) Davydenko, I.V.This article focuses on making the list of semes of the polysemantic lexeme home (n.) on the base of English lexicographic sources; arranging the semes according to the five basic frames; forming the concept polysemy net; identifying the domains within the concept polysemy net of the polysemantic lexeme home (n.).Документ Means of nomination of the concept HOUSE / HOME in the English language: semantic and etymological analyses(Харкiвський нацiональний унiверситет iм. В.Н. Каразiна, 2011) Davydenko, I.V.Thе article focuses on determining names of the concept under analysis and their nominal character as a part of speech. The etymological analysis of lexemes house and home – names of the concept reveals polysemantic nature grounded on the etymology of the lexemes house (n.) and home (n.).Документ Multimodal representation of the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME(2018) Davydenko, I.V.; Shevchenko, I.S.; Давиденко, Інна Володимирівна; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаThis paper focuses on the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME, its conceptual properties and means of linguistic representation; and examines the contribution of the data of its multimodal discourse actualization to the cognitive linguistics framework. In cognitive semantics, HOUSE/HOME proves to be a conceptual duplex constituted by various meanings of the polysemantic nouns house and home, and elaborated by the meanings of their synonyms. Within a conceptual network, their common meanings are arranged according to the domains where they are profiled: HUMAN LOCATION / DWELLING, FAMILY. The study of their salience in speech (in literary texts) considers their contextual elaborations, and establishes groups of lexical-semantic variants which are finally blended together within a conceptual model of HOUSE/HOME. This model is a unity of an integral and two differential parts. The integral part is constituted by the meanings: "building where a person lives (with his family)", "dwelling place", family life", "family" shared by the lexemes house (n) and home (n). The differential parts of the model are formed by the meanings which are specific for each polysemantic lexeme. To analyse the HOUSE/HOME actualization in discourse the study adopts a broad perspective on multimodality. It relies on the interaction of verbal and graphic codes and reveals that these semiotic systems are non-isomorphic in representing various meanings of the concept duplex.