Факультет психології
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Документ Characteristics of lifestyle and attitudes toward motherhood of surrogate mothers in Ukraine(2017-03-28) Lutsenko, O.; Tsokota, V.The article of O. Lutsenko, V. Tsokota “The characteristics of lifestyle and attitudes to motherhood of surrogate mothers in Ukraine” is aimed to study surrogate mothers’ attitudes to pregnancy and surrogate motherhood. The objectives of the study were to identify the characteristics of their social situation, lifestyle, volitional, moral, emotional and motivational qualities that can partially determine the decision to become a surrogate mother. 28 women included in the program of surrogate motherhood and three comparison groups of 20 people (the women without children, with 1-2 children and with many children) were interviewed using a semi-structured authors’ interview of the 25 questions. It was found that the prospective surrogate mothers differ from comparison groups by less education, more frequent absence of husband or divorce in the family situation, not entirely satisfactory living conditions, lack of material support. They are less vulnerable, are not prone to long-term negative emotional states, have fewer fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and are much more positive about the surrogacy.Документ Cпособности к усвоению иностранного языка как психологическая проблема(Київ: ДП «інформаційно-аналітичне агентство», 2011) Лукашенко, И.Н.; Lukashenko, I.Разработка и описание модели взаимосвязей компонентов способностей к усвоению иностранного языка с механизмами процесса усвоения иностранного языка.Документ Mediating role of trust between emotional intelligence and positive functioning of personality(Fundamental and Applied Researches in Practice of Leading Scientific Schools, 2018-04) Kryazh, I; Grankina-Sazonova, NThis paper presents the theoretical justification and empirical confirmation of the hypothesis that trust mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and positive personality functioning. The positive functioning is regarded as association of psychological wellbeing and hardiness. The research was held on the sample of 213 students of different specialties. Data processing included correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). By the results of regression analysis, general trust and self-trust are significant and rather strong predictors of positive functioning. According to our hypothesis there were developed structural models describing the interrelations between indexes of EI, trust and positive functioning. The models with trust as mediator between EI and positive functioning showed good accordance to the outgoing data. We also received confirmation of the assumption that psychological wellbeing and hardiness may be associated in the framework of the positive functioning construct. Wherein trust performs as a separate phenomenon, one of the important conditions of positive functioning, in refraction through which the “positive potential” of personality`s dispositions and abilities may be realized. Besides, we received empirical confirmation of theoretical grounding for association of hardiness and psychological wellbeing in a framework of positive functioning construct.Документ Psychological Aspects of Learning in Virtual Space(2016-10-17) Lukashenko, I.; Lutsenko, O.The article of I. Lukashenko, O. Lutsenko “Psychological aspects of learning in the virtual environment” is aimed to analyze psychological aspects of people learning and functioning in the virtual environment. It was analyzed a number of researches which highlights such psychological aspects of people’s functioning in the virtual environment as motivational, cognitive, age-related, pedagogical, social, clinical, gender, psychophysiological and other ones. There are several advantages of Internet-learning in compare with traditional one – decrease of pedagogical authoritarianism, increase of learners independence, their higher responsibility for their learning, expanding the boundaries of learning, time economy etc. At the same time the Internet is characterized by specifics, which may make potential threats to the successful learning in it. These include addictions forming, identity violations, problems with the information defense, deterioration of communication quality, the development of deviations and specific psychopathology. Interaction with psychologists is desired during the development of distance learning courses to improve their efficiency and for its implementation at the time of appearing above mentioned problems.Документ Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 1. Topic: Basic principles of communication(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2018) Луценко, Олена Львівна; Lutsenko, O. L.Topic 1. Communicational competence: Educational goals. Course structure. Methods of assessing the acquisition of the course. Basic definitions. Topic 2. Types of communication. Characteristics of communication: Verbal and non-verbal. Formal and informal. Communicational principles. Main characteristics of communication: participants, messages, context, channels, interference, feedback. Honest and manipulative communication.Документ Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 2. Topic: Critical thinking. Topic 3-4. Principles of critical thinking(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2018) Луценко, Олена Львівна; Lutsenko, O. L.Basic definitions. A comparison of critical and ordinary thinking. Recommendations for critical reading and evaluation of information. Recommendations for effective writing of reports. The main elements of critical thinking. Techniques of verbal and written persuasion. Logical errors. Comparison of critical thinking and general intelligence.Документ Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 3. Topic: Presentation skills Topic: Critical thinking. Topic 5(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна) Луценко, Олена Львівна; Lutsenko, O. L.Topic 5. Presentation and self-presentation skills: Basic definitions. Impression management. Visual, verbal and nonverbal means. Nervous control. Rehearsals.Документ Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 4. Topic: Contacts with patient: Fostering the relationship and gathering information. Topic 6-7(2018) Луценко, Олена Львівна; Lutsenko, O. L.Topic 6. Contacts with patient: Fostering the relationship: Expressed interest in the patient as a person. Treated the patient with respect. Listened and paid attention to the patient. The role of patient’s personality and individuality. Topic 7. Contacts with patient: Gathering information: Encouraging the patient to tell his/her story. Coping with time limit. Sociocultural aspects of communication. Exploring the patient’s reaction to the illness or problem.Документ Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 5. Topic: Contacts with patient: Providing information and making decisions. Communication with personnel. Topic 8-9(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2018) Луценко, Олена Львівна; Lutsenko, O. L.Topic 8. Contacts with patient: Providing information and making decisions: Providing information related to the working diagnosis. Providing information on next steps. Making decisions. Elicited the patient’s perspective on the diagnosis and next steps. The phenomenon of compliance. Type of compliance. Finalizing plans for the next steps. Supporting emotions. Facilitating the expression of an implied or stated emotion. Effects of self-affirmation. Consequences of specific physician behaviors on certain patient outcomes. Topic 9. Communication with personnel (health-care teams): Staff relations. Benefits of group work. What kind of challenges does group work bring and how to deal with them. Size of groups, time of work, roles, strategies. The best techniques of group work. Comparison of team and individual work. The effectiveness of the teams. Composition of teams.Документ Psychotherapy of "emotional coldness" syndrome in a person-centered approach(ХНУ, 2014) Терещенко, Н.М.The paper deals with syndrome of "emotional coldness" which hinders the establishment of relations of psychological intimacy in interpersonal relationships. An analysis syndrome "emotional coldness" in the context of person-centered approach. We describe the main factors helping to conduct in person-centered psychotherapy, that overcome such features syndrome "emotional coldness" as distrust of their own feelings, networking relations for a particular scenario, fear of psychological proximity, etc. There are cases of psychological practiceДокумент Regulation Systems State in Connection with Different Psychological Types, Defense Mechanisms and Health Behavior(2016-10-17) Lutsenko, O.; Gabelkova, O.In research it was examined state of organism regulation systems by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. It was hypothesized that various psychological types, defense mechanisms and healthy habits have specific relations with regulation systems. The purpose was to study regulation system state in connection with different psychological types, ego-defense mechanisms and healthy behavior of youth taking into account the gender. It is known that regulation systems disbalance and low HRV bring to decrease of life quality and longevity. At the sample of 217 university students (112 men) were measured HRV indexes, personality types by MMPI, defense mechanisms by Life Style Index and healthy habits by Health Style: A Self Test. It was found that men and women mostly have different correlations between HRV and psychological features. Only two general correlations were revealed: positive connection between lie scale and stress index (SI of HRV) and negative connection between psychological defense mechanism “projection” and sympathetic regulation. We conclude that men’s and women’s psychological features are differently connected with regulation systems. It can be explained by different adaptation strategies of men and women which were designed during evolution time. This fact should be taken into account at designing interventions for changing non-healthy behavior.Документ Relationship between features of thinking and the ability to knowledge transfer of students(2013) Lysak, K.A.; Lutsenko, O.L.; Луценко, О.Л.The problems about student’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real and non training situations are discussed in the article. The definition of knowledge and knowledge transfer are given, distinctive features of the declarative and procedural knowledge are described. Attention is paid to the efficiency of transfer declarative knowledge to the procedural level. Results of the investigation of relationship between the ability to knowledge transfer and cognitive characteristics of students are presented. The significant connections between ability to knowledge transfer and critical thinking level, level of logical thought and anticipation are shown. The conclusions about future direction of research are made.Документ Slow facial signs and their psychodiagnostic value(2018) Bida, S.; Lutsenko, O.The current study is devoted to the identification of the scientific basis of permanent facial expression as a psychodiagnotic measure. The aim of the research is to investigate relationships between slow facial signs (SFS) and emotional personality traits with taking into account age and gender on the sample of Eastern Ukrainians (201 participants). To that end, we measured participants’ personality traits levels and photographed their neutral faces in order to identify any SFS on the photographs of their faces. The test battery included the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory, Taylor manifest anxiety scale, Buss-Durkey hostility inventory, Vasserman social frustration questionnaire, Vasserman neuroticism scale, Personal differential inventory, “Draw-A-Person” and “Draw-A-Person-In-The-Rain” projective tests. We applied Facial Action Coding System (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager) to identify and interprete SFS on the photographs. We found that the most part of revealed SFS relates to anger (12) and sadness (11). The fewest number of revealed SFS relates to disgust / contempt (5), fear (4) and happiness (4). The elder a person becomes the more increasing number of SFS of sadness (highest rates), anger (lower rates), fear (still lower) and happiness (lowest rates) is expected in one’s face. There are no significant differences in manifesting SFS between men and women. We found significant correlations between relevant SFS and traits anxiety, depression, and agressiveness (in its guilt and resentment aspects).Документ The experience of stress and fear of students-IDPs(2017-09-12) Lutsenko, O.; Tsapkova, A.The aim was to identify which psychological state experience students – internally displaced persons (IDPs), particularly how they feel fears and stress in compare with the control group (ordinary students). In the study were involved 63 students of classical university of 1-4 years of studying of different faculties. Experimental group included 35 students which were displaced from Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone (10 males and 25 females) and control group included 28 ordinary students (13 males and 15 females). The mental state of students-IDPs can be characterized by worse features than state of ordinary students, which manifested in a greater tendency to experience fears and less resistance to stress because of experienced traumatic events. The students-IDPs’ severity of PTSD symptoms are connected with their level of fears, unlike the PTSD symptoms severity of the ordinary students which are associated with their experience of actual stressful events. PTSD symptoms of the students-IDPs have not reached clinically meaningful level that can be explained by quite affluent conditions in the new region where they resettled, and the perspectives of studying at the prestigious university, in which they were accepted.Документ The Positive Effect of Nature Connectedness on Psychological Wellbeing: The Significance of Trust as a Mediator(2019-03) Кряж, И.В.Although the positive effect of nature connectedness (NC) for eudaimonic and hedonistic wellbeing is confirmed by numerous studies, the question of the intrapersonal processes that determine such impact remains open. Wilson’s biophilia hypothesis points to evolutionary background of the NC, as which can be considered pre-trust as an evolutionarily formed trust to the ecological world, to life in its diverse manifestations (Petzold, 2012). It is suggested that pre-trust sets the vector of positive comprehension on what is happening while NC actualizes pre-trust, thereby launching a ‘system of psychological wellbeing maintaining’. The hypothesis that trust is a mediator between NC and psychological well-being was tested in two studies. Multiple regression and mediation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied. Study 1 (the sample comprised 232 Ukrainian university students) confirmed the model of the influence of NC on positive functioning (Ryff's Psychological well-being scale and Hardness test were applied) with trust as a mediator. Study 2 (the sample comprised 276 Ukrainian and Belarusian university students) has shown that a latent variable manifested by trust and a sense of coherence index mediated the relationship between NC and subjective well-being. It is shown that trust to oneself is included in support of positive functioning, while subjective wellbeing is supported by experiencing life events meaningfulness. Limitations of the studies, their implications for conservation psychology, are discussed. Хотя позитивные эффекты связанности с природой (СП) для психологического благополучия, рассматриваемого в эвдемонистическом и гедонистическом ракурсах, подтверждены многочисленными исследованиями, вопрос о внутриличностных процессах, объясняющих такое влияние, остается открытым. Гипотеза биофилии Уилсона указывает на эволюционную основу СП, в качестве которой может быть рассмотрено пра-доверие как эволюционно сформированное доверие к экологическому миру, к жизни в ее различных проявлениях (Petzold, 2012). Предполагается, что пра-доверие задает вектор позитивного осмысления происходящего, в то время как СП актуализирует доверие, создавая тем самым «систему поддержания психологического благополучия». Гипотеза, что доверие выступает медиатором между СП и психологическим благополучием, проверяется в двух исследованиях с применением множественного регрессионного анализа и моделирования структурными уравнениями (SEM). В исследовании 1 (выборку составили 232 украинских студента) подтверждается модель влияния СП на позитивное функционирование (операционализированное через Шкалу психологического благополучия Ryff и Тест жизнестойкости) с доверием как медиатором. Исследование 2 (выборка включала 276 украинских и белорусских студентов) показало, что латентная переменная, манифестированная показателями доверия и чувства связанности, опосредует отношения между СП и субъективным благополучием. Показано, что доверие к себе включается в поддержку позитивного функционирования, в то время как субъективное благополучие поддерживается переживанием осмысленности происходящего. Обсуждаются ограничения исследований, а также значение полученных результатов для психологии экосохранения.Документ The quality of organization of learnsng activities as the factor of the cognitive activity development of the university students(2019-12-27) Шведова, Я.В.; Артюхова, В.В.В статті розглядається проблема активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів, яка частково може бути вирішена за допомогою втілення нових або оновлення вже існуючих форм та методів навчання. А також створивши такі психолого-педагогічні умови, в яких би простежувався взаємозв’язок між науковими знаннями та власними практичними навичками, навчальна інформація відповідала б індивідуальним запитам та потребам студентів у конкретній галузі науки, що потребує активної діяльності самого викладача. Це свідчить про необхідність професійного вдосконалення викладачів, розробки програм, тренінгів, що мотивували б їх до використання активних методів навчання у своїй професійній діяльності.Документ The relationship of time perception and impulsiveness of Ukrainian students(2020-04-21) Lutsenko, Olena; Senyk, OksanaIdentifying the relationship between characteristics of the individual perception of time and the personality trait of impulsivity is the problem this study is devoted to. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationships between the various components of impulsiveness as a personality trait and the characteristics of an individual minute (IM) taking into account age and gender in a sample of Ukrainian university students (62 participants aged 17-22; 11 from them are men). To assess the features of time perception, the IM method was used according to F. Halberg. As the characteristics of MI, we used the mean and standard deviation for three consecutive measurements of IM and the average error of subjective time relative to objective one in percent. Impulsivity was measured using the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale test in the Ukrainian adaptation, which reveals 5 indicators of impulsivity: negative urgency, positive urgency, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, and sensation seeking. For Ukrainian students, impulsivity indicators correspond to the average norms of the French sample. The mean IM is 61.3 seconds and it is in the range of 36-88 seconds, the standard deviation of 3 IM measurements is 8 seconds, the average error of the subjective time relatively to the objective one was 9%. An inverse relationship between the mean duration of IM and the impulsivity index “positive urgency” was revealed. A direct relationship between the variability of the IM, the average error of the IM in percent and the impulsivity index “lack of perseverance” was also revealed. There are no significant differences in the mean duration of IM between men and women. At the same time, women have a significantly higher variability in time estimation – the standard deviation of IM is significantly greater in them than in men. By the characteristics of the impulsiveness, women have a significantly higher indicator of positive urgency than men. Age-related differences in the features of perception of time and impulsivity were not found.Документ Агресія як прояв дезадаптації у осіб зі статусом тимчасового захисту в ЄС(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2024) Пєтухова, Дар'яКваліфікаційна робота присвячена вивченню зв’язку між рівнем агресії та дезадаптації у осіб юнацького віку, що проживають на території ЄС зі статусом тимчасового захисту. Головним питанням дослідження є те, чи пов'язане зниження рівня адаптації зі збільшенням рівня агресії. За результатами проведеного аналізу було виявлено вищий загальний рівень агресії в студентів, які проживають на території ЄС зі статусом тимчасового захисту, і значно нижчий рівень їх адаптації в порівнянні зі студентами, які проживають на території України. Також було встановлено, що особи із статусом тимчасового захисту в ЄС менш схильні до емоційно стійкої поведінки, відчувають менший рівень емоційного комфорту та мають труднощі з пристосуванням до стандартів та очікувань соціуму.Документ Адаптация теста критического мышления Л. Старки(2014-09-19) Луценко, Е.Л.Статья посвящена описанию процесса адаптации Теста критического мышления американского автора Л. Старки для использования в нашем обществе. В тесте были максимально сохранены все задания и язык автора, за исключением трех заданий, которые показали неудовлетворительные коэффициенты надежности. Тест соответствует психометрическим требованиям надежности, дискриминативности, валидности и оснащен нормами для студенческой и взрослой возрастных групп обоего пола. Результаты теста могут интерпретироваться как в соответствии с нормами, то есть разделяться по уровням очень высокого, высокого, среднего, низкого и очень низкого критического мышления, так и доступны для качественного анализа.Документ Адаптивні функції емоційного інтелекту в умовах воєнного часу у жінок(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2024) Матвєєва, Г. Є.Суть даної роботи полягає у дослідженні взаємозв’язку емоційного інтелекту з його адаптивними функціями в умовах воєнного часу у жінок. Дослідження власне фокусується на аналізі ролі ЕІ і його адаптивних функцій, забезпечення психічної стійкості та пошуку технік задля зменшення впливу такого стресогенного чинника як війна.