Varenko, T.2016-02-012016-02-012015Теоретичні питання культури, освіти та виховання: Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 52, 2015 р. / Заг. редакція – проф. Матвієнко О. В., укладач – канд. пед. наук, доц. Кудіна В. В. – К. : Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2015. – С. 26-312411-5983УДК 004: 378.147 students trained to be teachers in group blogging contributes to developing their evaluation skills as a professional ability to provide assessment and constructive criticism of others’ works with regard to and respect for others’ thoughts, values and individual traits. Blogging implementation into the training of teachers-to-be simulates a real-life teacher-student interaction where the students are active participants in the process. As the blogging continues, the students involved also learn self-discipline, self-criticism, responsibility for their words, and prepare themselves for their future life and profession in the Internet-powered world.en-USevaluation skillsbloggingteacher-trainingassessmentHoning Future Teachers’ Evaluation Skills Through BloggingArticle