Худич, А.С.Харькова, О.Л.Заболотня, А.С.Khudych, A.Kharkova, O.Zabolotnia, A.2021-12-112021-12-112021-10-28Khudych, A. First report of Camarosporidiella halimodendri in Ukraine / A. Khudych, O. Kharkova, A. Zabolotnia // Proceedings of IVth (XVth) International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “Scientific Principles of Biodiversity Conservation” (Lviv, 28 October 2021). – Lviv: Institute of Carpathian Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2021. – P. 109-110978-966-02-9744-9https://ekhnuir.karazin.ua/handle/123456789/17040Camarosporidiella halimodendri Wanas., Bulgakov & K.D. Hyde (Camarosporidiellaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi) is registered on the territory of Ukraine for the first time. The specimen was collected on the dead stems of Caragana frutex (L.) K. Koch from the territory of National Nature Park «Dvorichanskyi» (Kharkiv region). Species identification was based on the morphological characteristics and molecular analysis of its ITS region sequenceenгрибибіорізноманіттянові знахідкиУкраїнаДНКбаркодингПерша знахідка Camarosporidiella halimodendri в УкраїніFirst report of Camarosporidiella halimodendri in UkraineArticle