Guseva, A.G.2012-08-202012-08-202011Guseva A.G. Realisation of the Humour Strategies in the Children’s Discourse / A.G. Guseva // Вiсник Харкiвського нацiонального унiверситету iм. В.Н. Каразiна. – 2011. – № 954. Сер. Романо-германська філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов. – Вип. 66. – С. article focuses on the research of the mechanism of humor strategies realization in the children’s discourse. The concepts of «strategy» and «tactics» are defined. Based on the analysis of the sampling obtained from the English-speaking humorous Internet sites for children, the classification of humour strategies has been developed.ruthe child humorous discoursecommunication strategycommunication tacticshumour strategiesRealisation of the Humour Strategies in the Children’s DiscourseArticle