Motrokhov, A.I.2012-08-172012-08-172011Motrokhov A.I. On the Toponym 'Asuka' and Conventional Epithet 'tobutori-no' in the Poems of the Poetic Anthology "Man'yoshu" / A.I. Motrokhov // Вiсник Харкiвського нацiонального унiверситету iм. В.Н. Каразiна. – 2011. – № 953. Сер. Романо-германська філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов. – Вип. 64. – С. article systematizes existing concepts about genesis of the toponym 'Asuka', observes its connection with the conventional epithet 'tobutori-no' and with the historical situation, which influenced its formation, on the basis of some poems of the first Japanese poetry anthology "Man'yoshu".ukauspicious signchronicle "Kojiki"chronicle "Nihon Shoki"conventional epithet 'tobutori-no'era Shuchopoetry anthology "Man'yoshu"the Imperial Palace "Asuka-no Kiyomihara-no miya"toponym 'Asuka'On the Toponym 'Asuka' and Conventional Epithet 'tobutori-no' in the Poems of the Poetic Anthology "Man'yoshu"Article