Ermolaev, A.M.Ulyanov, N.V.Ермолаев, А.М.Ульянов, Н.В.2013-06-012013-06-012012Ermolaev A. Landau-Silin spin waves in conductors with impurity states / Alexander Ermolaev, Nikolay Ulyanov. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 2012. – 109 p.Ермолаев Александр Михайлович – профессор, Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина, физический факультет.Theoretical investigation results of spin waves properties in nonmagnetic conductors and heterostructures with 2D electron gas in presence of impurity atoms be able to localize electrons are listed in monograph. The effect of quasi-local and magnetoimpurity states of electrons on dynamic spin susceptibility of electron gas, on spectrum and damping of spin waves are considered. New branches due to electron impurity states in spin wave spectrum are predicted. Methods of diagnostics of these waves in experiments with slow neutrons are proposed. Impurity atoms in a conductor exert a complicated influence on quasi-particle energy spectrum. They cause shift and spread of energy zones as well as state density rearrangement accompanied by appearance of both local and quasi-local levels. A local state concept in non-ideal crystalline lattice oscillation spectrum has been suggested by I.M.Lifshits [1] in 1940s. These investigations were continued in the Kagan and Iosilevskii [2, 3] and Brout and Visscher [4] articles in which impurity atom quasi-local oscillations in lattice was predicted. A theory of other quasi-particles 􀂱 electrons and magnons 􀂱 was been elaborated at the same time.enфизикапримесные состояния электронов в твердых телахколлективные возбужденияLandau-Silin spin wavesspin waves in a Fermi-liquid of nonferromagnetic metalsquasi-local (resonance) and magnetoimpurity states of electronsdynamic spin susceptibility of electronsneutron magnetic scattering in non-ferromagnetic metalsSilin spin waves in two-dimensional electron gasspin waves in a fermi-liquid of non-ferromagnetic metalstensor of dynamic spin susceptibility of metalsquasilocal states of electrons in a magnetic fieldspin waves in non-ferromagnetic metalsneutron magnetic scattering in non-ferromagnetic metalsLandau-Silin spin waves in conductors with impurity statesСпиновые волны Ландау-Силина в проводниках с примесными состояниямиBook