Niemets, L.Niemets, K.Segida, K.Pogrebskyi, T.2017-08-032017-08-032014Lyudmila Niemets, Konstantin Niemets, Katerina Segida, Taras Pogrebskyi. Regional settlement system as a factor of distribution of health care institutions (on example of Volyn region of Ukraine) // Canadian Journal of Science, Education and Culture. – Toronto: “Toronto Press”, 2014. – No.1. (5), January-June, 2014. Volume II. – p. 209-215􀀃article􀀃deals􀀃with􀀃regional􀀃settlement􀀃system􀀃as􀀃a􀀃factor􀀃of􀀃distribution􀀃of􀀃 health􀀃 care􀀃 institutions􀀃 (on􀀃 example􀀃 of􀀃 volyn􀀃 region􀀃 of􀀃 Ukraine).􀀃 The􀀃 publication􀀃 focuses􀀃 on􀀃 defining􀀃an􀀃index􀀃of􀀃population􀀃concentration􀀃(which􀀃shows􀀃how􀀃the􀀃population􀀃is􀀃distributed􀀃in􀀃 relation􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 total􀀃 population􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 territory)􀀃 and􀀃 the􀀃 main􀀃 parameters􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 spatial􀀃 distribution􀀃of􀀃the􀀃population􀀃(the􀀃arithmetic,􀀃median􀀃and􀀃modal􀀃centers)ensettlement􀀃 systemhealth􀀃 carepopulation􀀃 densityindex􀀃 of􀀃 population􀀃 concentrationarithmetic􀀃centermedian􀀃centermodal􀀃centerRegional settlement system as a factor of distribution of health care institutions (on example of Volyn region of Ukraine)Article