Shevchenko, IrynaGutorov, VolodymyrШевченко, Ірина СеменівнаГуторов, Володимир Олександрович2021-05-232021-05-232019Shevchenko, Iryna. A cognitive-pragmatic perspective on apologies in English and Ukrainian discourse. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow / I. Shevchenko, V. Gutorov // The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. - 2019. - IV (2) Р- . 301-342. - ISSN 2453-80352453-8035 are interactional social-cultural discourse rituals rooted in intersubjectivity. Their corrective and preventive cognitive-pragmatic types have different scenarios. As conventional hybrid expressive-and-requestive speech acts, they have pragma-semantic subtypes, which realize negative politeness. English and Ukrainian apologies share common cognitive-pragmatic types but differ in pragma-semantic subtypes and linguistic realization.enapologycognitive-pragmatic paradigmintersubjectivityframe scenarioEnglishUkrainianA cognitive-pragmatic perspective on apologies in English and Ukrainian discourseArticle