Medvid, M.M.2012-08-202012-08-202011Medvid M.M. Peculiarities of Internet Vocabulary in the Communication Space of the Internet Discourse / M.M. Medvid // Вiсник Харкiвського нацiонального унiверситету iм. В.Н. Каразiна. – 2011. – № 954. Сер. Романо-германська філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов. – Вип. 66. – С. article focuses on some aspects of forming Internet Vocabulary in the communication space of the Internet discourse. Specifics of word formation in net genres have been studied. The peculiarities of Internet vocabulary, reasons for coining new words and impact of net coinages on Modern English have been analyzed.ruInternet VocabularyInternet Discourseword formationword-building patternslangPeculiarities of Internet Vocabulary in the Communication Space of the Internet DiscourseArticle