Луценко, Олена ЛьвівнаLutsenko, O. L.2020-01-222020-01-222018Луценко, Олена Львівна. Psychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 4. Topic: Contacts with patient: Fostering the relationship and gathering information. Topic 6-7 / О.Л. Луценко. - Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2018. - 8 р.https://ekhnuir.karazin.ua/handle/123456789/15183Topic 6. Contacts with patient: Fostering the relationship: Expressed interest in the patient as a person. Treated the patient with respect. Listened and paid attention to the patient. The role of patient’s personality and individuality. Topic 7. Contacts with patient: Gathering information: Encouraging the patient to tell his/her story. Coping with time limit. Sociocultural aspects of communication. Exploring the patient’s reaction to the illness or problem.encommunicationpsychologymedicalhealh carePsychology of Communication : course of lectures. Lecture 4. Topic: Contacts with patient: Fostering the relationship and gathering information. Topic 6-7Learning Object