Навчальні видання. Медичний факультет
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://ekhnuir.karazin.ua/handle/123456789/1134
1 результатів
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Документ Bacterial infections of the newborn. Pyoinflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of umbilical cord, umbilical wound and umbilical vessels. Sepsis of newborns : methodical recommendations for students of 5 course of medical faculty(Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university, 2018) Buznytska, O. V.; Panko, N. O.; Бузницька, Олена Вікторівна; Панько, Наталія ОлександрівнаMethodical recommendations contain information about etiology. pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis and treatment of bacterial infections of the newborn. Inflammatory processes of the umbilical wound, conjunctivitis, phlegmon, mastitis, neonatal pemphigus, sepsis are presented.The methodical recommendations were developed on the basis of the Program of the discipline «Pediatrics, Children's Infectious Diseases» for students of higher medical educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. These methodical recommendations are intended for students of the 5 year of English-speaking medical faculties.