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  • Ескіз
    Дослідження біохімічної відповіді молодих і старих тварин на гепатотоксичну дію сірчанокислої міді та вплив біологічних антидотів
    (Харків: Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2017) Лебідь, К.М.; Lebid, K.M.
    Lebid K. M. Investigation of the biochemical response of young and old animals to the hepatotoxic action of copper sulfate and the effect of biological antidotes. – Qualification scientific paper, manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Biology: Speciality 03.00.04 – Biochemistry (Biology). – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2017. One of the approaches for studying aging mechanisms is the study of agedependent responses to exogenous toxic effects. It is known that the likelihood of the development of liver damage with the action of xenobiotics on the body increases in the sloping and aging age, although the mechanism of this phenomenon is not fully understood. Сopper sulphate, which is a widespread industrial xenobiotic in chronic poisoning, may have a hepatotoxic effect due to the activation of lipoperoxidation processes. The modern paradigm of gerontology states that life expectancy depends on the adaptive capacity of the organism. Since in the process of ontogenesis the ability to adapt is reduced - the probability of occurrence of pathologies and death is increased. Indeed, with increasing age, the body's responses to the same effects differ from those in young organisms, but this should not always be interpreted as reducing the adaptive potential. Most likely, the adaptation strategy changes over time, but not the body's ability to adapt. A wide range of studies demonstrates the multiplicity of pathogenetic links in the development of liver damage.