Гриби роду Pseudospiropes M.B. Ellis (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota) в Україні




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The article summarized data on Pseudospiropes M.B. Ellis representatives, which have been poorly studied in Ukraine. Therefore information about this find has not been mentioned in the mycological publications dealt with fungi of Ukraine. The article gives a detailed analysis of taxonomic relevance of morphological criteria that traditionally are used for identification of twine-species P. josserandii and P. simplex. The majority of the Pseudospiropes samples from Ukraine are represented by anamorph, occasionally there are some apothecia at the same time with asexual sporulation. Therefore we are not able to use morphological criteria of sexual structures. It is proved that the thickness of the basal scar as a hallmark is unreliable because it depends on the maturity of spores. Now there is only one feature that allows identifying species P. josserandii and P. simplex in anamorph stage – wideness of the basal scar of the conidia. To assess the reliability of this criterion, it is necessary to carry out the molecular phylogenetic analysis.


Ключові слова

Strossmayeria, різноманіття, спеціалізація, критерії розпізнавання, діагностичний ключ

Бібліографічний опис

Мєшков, Ярослав Віталійович. Гриби роду Pseudospiropes M. B. Ellis (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota) в Україні / Я.В. Мєшков, О.Ю. Акулов // Чорноморський ботанічний журнал,. - 15 (4). - 2019. - С. 382–395



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