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  • Ескіз
    Застосування акселератору сталого розвитку у форсайті національного добробуту України
    (2018) Глущенко, О.В.
    The aim of the article is to substantiate the necessity of the national well-being foresight and to develop a methodological approach to its implementation using accelerators of sustainable development, improve sustainability accelerator tools and to adapt them to the conditions of long-term planning of the national welfare of Ukraine. The results of the analysis. The set forth in this article result of the research is the solution to a complex of scientific and practical problems regarding the necessity for the foresight of the national well-being of Ukraine and feasibility of applying of accelerating sustainable development tools. Application of accelerator tools for sustainable development enables to significantly accelerate the exit paths and promoting sustainable development through awareness of responsibility for the future resulting from current decisions and actions. Achieving well-being as the main objective of the foresight of the national well-being of Ukraine requires the establishment of domestic and adaptation of foreign methodological tools. The article consistently studies all the tools that make up a sustainable development accelerator: “Compass of sustainable development”, “Pyramid” and “Amoeba”, which were adapted and improved for using in Ukrainian practice. Consistent application of tools enables to achieve a comprehensive and harmonious development of the society with environment protection and restoration; innovative development of the economic system; overcoming inequality and the formation of the civil society institutions that create conditions for the effective exercise of freedoms and do not confront the norms of the society. The novelty of this research is the proposed innovative methodological approach to top-down and bottom-up foresight-forecasting on changes in the financial architectonics of the national well-being applying accelerator tools for sustainable development, which enables to improve the quality of forecasts on the perspectives of the development of systems with complex logic operations and hierarchical framework. Conclusions and directions of further researches. It is done the author’s modification of the “Compass sustainable development” by creating a special space of well-being in four dimensions grouped by the following categories: nature, society, economy, personal identity. The construction of two oppositions “nature – economy” and “personality – society” makes it possible to assess the current state, to determine the impact of the above changes, in the balance between the interests of personality and society to achieve ecological balance in conditions of the economic development acceleration. The development of effective algorithms for the certain goals achievement is realized with the assistance of the "Pyramid" tool, which has been improvement by the author. The formation of the financial architectonics of national well-being is synchronized with the corresponding stages of the "Pyramid". The author developed the mechanisms for achieving the objectives of foresight by changing financial architectonics. It is the first time when the problem of the formation of financial institutions is solved with the help of the foresight methodology and accelerator tools for sustainable development and the movement of financial flows is harmonized. Consistent application of initially top-down foresight allows top-down planning from the desired future to the real present to determine basic steps necessary to achieve the goal. There is a movement from the desired future to the present and participants of the foresight session represent the future in the present. At the stage of the bottom-up foresight there should be a consolidation of the society around the stages that lead to a specific goal. In the bottom-up foresight the main attention is focused on interaction and consolidation of ideas. The goal is to build an extensive network of carriers and implementers of the main idea of the foresight. The driving vector for the formation of a new future is built up. When applying the tool “Pyramid” it is necessary to apply both approaches to the foresight. Their compatible and consistent application (at first – bottom-up and then – top-down approach) will help to change the paradigm of the national well-being in the society. Social clusters were compared with respect to innovation by comparing the distribution of population groups when diffusing innovations with social groups in the instrument “Amoeba”. There was determined an important social burden on social groups with negative or neutral attitude towards innovations. The usage of the author’s methodical approach during the foresight session of the national well-being will help to accelerate the transition to the sustainable development of Ukrainian society. Further scientific research should examine the state and effects of the institutional dysfunction of the current financial architectonics and establish the site of rhizomorphic financial flows destroying financial architectonics.
  • Ескіз
    Добробут як імператив суспільного розвитку України
    (2016) Глущенко, О.В.
    Introduction. The need for search for new scientific approaches to understanding social progress in modern science took shape in the «economics of happiness» and measuring sustainable development beyond GDP. Purpose. To justify the need for treating well-being as an imperative of social development of Ukraine. Results. The state of the social development of Ukraine has been considered through the prism of indicators beyond GDP and, by the results of clustering with Kohonen’s self-organising maps (SOM). There here have been distinguished five clusters by the position of the rating change: «Catastrophic Decline», «Sharp Drop», «Moderate Drop», «Almost Unchanged» and «High Growth». Ukraine is included in the «Almost Unchanged» cluster. Based on the Prosperity Index for 2015, the sub-indices of the economy and public administration of Ukraine are found to be the lowest of all the countries included in the calculation of the index. In terms of the Prosperity Index, a general profile of Ukraine as a country with poor economy, public administration, health and freedom of the individual and a satisfactory level of entrepreneurship and opportunity, education, safety, security and social capital has been defined. The author’s definition of well-being as an opportunity to meet human and community needs which contribute to their physical, spiritual, social and physical development harmonised with ethical standards and the need to preserve the environment has been offered. Conclusions. Well-being understood as a comprehensive depoliticised concept will allow for unification of the Ukrainian society in the conditions of conflict and controversy and ensure the transition to a sustainable improvement of the quality of life in the country.
  • Ескіз
    Сталий розвиток України: можливості та загрози
    (2017) Глущенко, О.В.
    The article explores the opportunities and threats that arise in connection with the transition of Ukraine to sustainable development. A comparative analysis of the indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine with similar indicators of the countries in the comparative group is carried out. There have been selected countries meeting a number of common requirements, namely Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia and Moldova. The study has proved the hypothesis of applying the Beyond GDP methodological approach to assessing sustainable development. There is a relationship between the index of economic freedom and the indicator of corruption perception due to the fact that the existence of administrative barriers reduces economic freedom and increases tolerance to corruption in the society. There have been analyzed the components of life quality and life safety and described the profile of Ukraine with the indicators of sustainable development. The opportunities and threats that will accompany the transition to sustainable development of Ukraine have been identified. Ukraine has significant innovative and economic potential to achieve. The main threats are increasing the intensity of conflicts, reducing corruption perception, increasing state fragility and state instability.
  • Ескіз
    Фінансова архітектоніка: теоретико - методологічний аспект
    (Наука й економіка, 2013) Глущенко, О.В.
    Стаття присвячена визначенню основних теоретико-методологічних аспектів фінансової архітектоніки як особливого устрою фінансової системи, завдяки якому розкривається її внутрішня сутність та забезпечується ефективне функціонування системи формування, накопичення та руху грошових фондів. Запропоновано авторське розуміння фінансової архітектоніки. Сформульовано нове визначення категорії «фінансова система», шляхом використання методологічного апарату теорії систем.
  • Ескіз
    Реципрокний обмін: діалектика розвитку та форми прояву в умовах інформаційно–мережевого суспільства
    (2016) Глущенко, О.В.
    The article deals with the essence, development stages and forms of reciprocal exchange. Deter-mined that reciprocal exchange is a special type of relationship whereby a transfer of the products of labor takes place without defined standards for their quantity and the reverse transaction, which plays a symbolic role and embodies the act of establishing, strengthening and consolidation of social rela-tions between members of society. The author establishes the distinction between good and gift and reveals the role and forms of trust during equivalent and reciprocal exchanges. Defined the logico-historical stages ofthe transition to universal reciprocal exchange.
  • Ескіз
    Роль фінансового забезпечення охорони здоров'я у досягненні добробуту суспільства
    (2016) Глущенко, О.В.
    This аrticle extends the cоnceptuаl spаce оf the cаtegоry “welfаre” by including а number оf indicаtоrs thаt chаrаcterize the stаte оf heаlth security in the sоciety. The prоpоsed methоdоlоgicаl аpprоаch аllоws tо explаin аnd describe the mоvement оf finаnciаl flоws оf the sоciety аnd mоnitоr chаnges in the stаte оf welfаre. Achieving welfаre by the sоciety presuppоses building up finаnciаl аrchitectоnics tо direct the flоws tо the respective tаrgets. Аn impоrtаnt element оf finаnciаl аrchitectоnics enаbling tо cоmpаre the vоlume оf finаnciаl resоurces with humаn develоpment indicаtоrs is а welfаre fund. The study cаlculаtes the welfаre fund resоurces аllоcаted tо heаlthcаre frоm vаriоus sоurces. It is determined thаt the mаin sоurce оf finаnciаl flоws directed аt the respective tаrgets is the generаl fund оf lоcаl budgets. There is аlsо develоped аn ecоnоmic аnd mаthemаticаl mоdel which unites the respective welfаre fund resоurces аnd а number оf hоspitаls with аn аverаge life expectаncy аt birth.
  • Ескіз
    Assessment of the Current State of the Expectations Channel of Monetary Transmission Mechanism of Ukraine
    (Les Editions L'Originаlе, Paris, France, 2016-04-29) Глущенко, О.В.
    The article focuses on the main features of the expectations (trust) channel of the monetary transmission mechanism of Ukraine. Its assessment in the present conditions has been made. There has been considered the formation of the economic behaviour of the economic agent in the context of its inflation expectations taking into account currency exchange, inflation and interest rate risks as well as and risk of capital and profit loss. The thesis of crossing the channels of monetary transmission mechanism which greatly complicates financial architectonics and makes it impossible to apply one-dimensional instruments for inflation targeting.
  • Ескіз
    Фінансова архітектоніка сектора публічних фінансів України: взаємовплив видатків та державного боргу
    (Бізнес Інформ, 2015-10) Глущенко, О.В.
    The article is aimed at disclosure of the forms of socio-economic crisis of the financial system in the public finances of Ukraine with identification of strains as well as their financial architectonics. The main purposes of the article are: disclosure of essence of the manifestations of crisis phenomena in the economic system, analysis of dynamics of the major indicators in the functioning of public finances and their ratio to GDP; examining the changes in the structure of expenditures of the public budget and a comparison with the costs for servicing the public debt; determination of deformation of the architectonics of public finances, contributing to the rising inflationary burden on economic system. The article proves formation of the phenomenon of debt trap and identifies that it manifests itself in the increasing amounts of internal public debt that raises the inflationary devaluation of the money supply, as well as in deformation of the architectonics of financial flows in the financial system between public finances and financial markets. It has been substantiated that one of the factors, contributing to the increasing nature of the counter-cyclical trend of inflation index, is the increase in the volumes of emission of government borrowings in the domestic financial market of Ukraine and growth of the rate of return on them. Prospects for further research in this area are formulation of a categorical definition for the identified phenomenon of debt trap; further development of the theory of financial architectonics, which should disclose the patterns of movement of the public financial flows.
  • Ескіз
    Financial System: in Search of a New Paradigm
    (Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2015-09) Глущенко, О.В.
    The article offers a new approach to the financial system studies and considers its elements and their particular functions. The application of the methodological apparatus of the systems theory made it possible to distinguish a system-forming factor which is represented by the exchange in the financial system. The category "architectonics of the financial system" has been introduced to describe the in-system relations and the cash flows dynamics. There has been determined the approach to the financial system studies basing on its three-dimensional area stipulated by risk, return and information. The role of trust in the financial system has also been put under consideration and its application for measuring information has been grounded.
  • Ескіз
    Інституційне забезпечення фінансової інфраструктури: шляхи зменшення уразливості
    (Економіка та держава, 2017-05) Глущенко, О.В.
    Розкрито стан інституційного забезпечення фінансової інфраструктури шляхом аналізу державного регулювання та саморегулювання. Встановлена гиперрегуляція фінансової інфраструктури державними регуляторами та інституційна дисфункція саморегулівних організацій. На підставі дослідження динаміки зміни кількості фінансових установ доведено входження фінансовою інфраструктурою у стан інституційного регресу. Розраховано показник фінансової глибини, що відображає здатність забезпечити потреби у наданні фінансових ресурсів інститутами фінансової інфраструктури та уразливість фінансової системи. Дістало подальшого розвитку розкриття причин зростання уразливості фінансової системи, що обумовлені порушенням фінансової архітектоніки та полягають у обмеженні інституційної забезпеченості можливостей руху фінансових потоків, що веде до домінування спекулятивного та Понці-фінансування за рахунок зменшення забезпеченого типу залучення фінансових ресурсів. This article explores the current state of institutional support of the financial infrastructure of Ukraine, its institutional organization and problems of operation. The state of institutional support of the financial infrastructure was determined by analyzing government and self-regulation. There were also determined hyper regulation of the financial infrastructure by state regulators and institutional dysfunction of self-regulating organisations. On the grounds of the dynamics of the changing number of financial institutions we proved the institutional regression of the financial infrastructure. There was also estimated the indicator of financial depth that reflects the ability to meet the needs of financial institutions in financial resources as well as financial infrastructure fragility of the financial system. Further analysis was given to the reasons for financial system fragility caused by abuse of financial architectonics and restriction of financial provision of financial flows leading to the dominance of speculative and Ponzi-funding at the cost of secured attraction of financial funds.