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Документ Ксилярієві гриби (Ascomycota, Fungi) як потенційні індикатори стану лісу(УкрНДІЛГА, 2021-06-23) Худич, Анастасія Сергіївна; Акулов, Олександр ЮрійовичXylariaceae are a diverse and widespread group of fungi that can use woody plants as a substrate. Most members of this group are endophytes, which means that these fungi can colonize the inner tissues of plants without causing disease symptoms. At this stage of their life cycle, such fungi may have a mutualistic relationship with the host plant. This fungi usually sporulates only after host tissue death, although some species are considered to be weak parasites and can cause damage. The way of life depends on plant health: if the plant is stressed under some abiotic or biotic factors, Xylariaceae representatives become parasites, which is accompanied by the formation of stromata on the living plant. At the same time, the high species diversity and abundance of Xylariaceae representatives on dead wood in the forest is an indirect indicator of forest health.Документ Науковий спадок А.О. Потебні (1870-1919): неопубліковані матеріали третього тому монографії «Грибные паразиты высших растений Харьковской и смежных губерний»(Суми : Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020-12-08) Чвіков, Владислав Сергійович; Худич, Анастасія СергіївнаДокумент Ревізія знахідок грибів роду Jackrogersella з території Ялтинського гірсько-лісового природного заповідника (Крим, Україна)(2020-09) Худич, Анастасія Сергіївна; Чвіков, Владислав Сергійович; Khudych, A.S.; Chvikov, V.S.The results of revision of some specimens from CWU (Myc) and KW Mycological Herbaria are presented. Among studied specimens two were reidentified like members of Jackrogersella and two were reidentified like Hypoxylon fragiforme, one was identified properly. A single specimen, known in Ukraine as Nemania diffusa, really is Jackrogersella cf. multiformis.