Развитие кузнечного ремесла у племени бассейнов Ворсклы и Псла в скифскую эпоху
Shramko I. B. The Development of Hammersmithery in the Tribes of the Vorskla and Psyol Riverside During Scythian Period
Iron-ware founded at the settlements and tombs of Vorskla and Psyol basins arc considered in the article. Two main periods of the development of local smithery arc distinguished: VII — VI centuries B. C. is the initial stage of mastering of complicated .methods of iron treatment and V — IV centuries B. C. is the flourishing period of smithery in the region. Metallographic analysis of 357 iron-ware showed that in the V — IV centuries B. C. local black-smiths had mastered various methods of cementation and welding and had known heat-hardering.
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Бібліографічний опис
Шрамко И. Б. Развитие кузнечного ремесла у племени бассейнов Ворсклы и Псла в скифскую эпоху // Древности 1994. Харьковский историко-археологический ежегодник. – Харьков: АО «Бизнес Информ», 1994. – C. 43-57.