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Документ Карнавалізований анімаційний екодискурс: екологія емотивних мовних засобів(Запоріжжя : Запорізький національний університет, 2022) Івченко, Наталя СергіївнаРоботу присвячено вивченню взаємодії двох сучасних сфер наукових інтересів лінгвістики – емотіології та еколінгвістики. На їхньому стику сформувалася нова наукова галузь – емотивна еколінгвістика, яка досліджує мову крізь призму екологічної вмотивованості емоцій, що виражені емотивними засобами мови. Емоції є мотиваційною основою вербальної та невербальної поведінки, отже, безпосередньо визначають вибір засобів мовлення, які зі свого боку сприяють екологічному зростанню або знищенню. Уперше доведено, що до емотивних засобів мови належить не лише лексика, але й граматичні, стилістичні й синтаксичні засоби мови, які своєю виразністю сприяють емотивному забарвленню дискурсу. У дослідженні послідовно розглядаються способи вираження емотивності засобів мови вербальним модусом (номінація (пряма назва емоції), дескрипція (опис емоційного переживання) та експресія (емотивний вираз)), а також категорії емотивної семантики (афективи (емоційні засоби мови), конотативи (засоби, що мають асоціативне емотивне значення) та потенціативи (неемотивні засоби, що набувають емотивного значення в просторі анімації), репрезентовані в карнавалізованому анімаційному екодискурсі “Zootopia”. Під час передачі змісту емотивної семантики у вищезазначеному типі дискурсу не менш важливим є також і невербальний модус: аудіальний, який передає невербальні особливості мовлення, його гучність, тон, інтонації, звуки анімаційного простору, і візуальний – рухи тіла, жести, міміку, особливості побудови кадру, його яскравість, кут огляду, освітленість тощо. Особливо значущим у випадку саме карнавалізованого анімаційного дискурсу є те, яку саме емотивність транслює невербальний модус, іншими словами, чи він збігається, доповнює, регулює, або, навпаки, протистоїть чи замінює емотивне значення вербального модусу. У роботі визначено, що позитивна чи негативна забарвленість емотивів не має потенціалу впливати як на екологічність, так і на неекологічність, отже, емотивні засоби мови екологічні, якщо вони спрямовані на успішність комунікації, викладення проблем сьогодення та заохочують до екологічного зростання, і неекологічні, якщо вони орієнтовані на конфлікт і деструкцію екологічного світу.Документ Turn-taking in cinematic discourse: linguistic characteristics and practical implications for ESP teaching(2019) Lavrinenko, Iryna; Shevchenko, IrynaThe article focuses on the issues of teaching turn-taking for ESP students in blended distance learning courses at B2 level. It lays the rationale for the use of film episodes of business interaction in distance learning highlighting turn-taking as an operational meta- discursive category. In multimodal cinematic discourse, turn-taking is performed by heterogeneous semiotic resources: linguistic, non-linguistic, cinematic codes and underpinned by intersubjectivity. Turn-taking strategies of initiating and responding types are viewed as a system of interactional dialogic communication management which includes discursive means of turn-claiming, attempt- suppressing and turn-yielding where each type is actualised by its own set of tactics and techniques. We claim that ESP learners need to know the main parameters for turn-taking in oral professional communication; such as the participants’ stance, speaker – hearer relations and their intersubjectivity, the transition point in a conversation, discourse situations, and specific semiotic resources. In cooperative discourse situations, turn-claiming and turn-yielding strategies are determined by initiating tactics of statement or interrogation. Unlike this, in conflict situations, turn-taking strategies depend upon initiating tactics of statement, interrogation, order, inducement and predetermine responding tactics. In asynchronous and blended formats of distance learning, the preferable delivery methods for this material include video recordings and digital games which facilitate receiving new information and motivate students to practice new communicative skills.Документ The evolution of English expressions of modest behaviour: pragmatic-cognitive analysis(2017) Shevchenko, Iryna; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаДокумент Professor Maureen Menielli and communication studies in Ukraine(2019) Shevchenko, Iryna; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаДокумент Multimodal representation of the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME(2018) Davydenko, I.V.; Shevchenko, I.S.; Давиденко, Інна Володимирівна; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаThis paper focuses on the English conceptual duplex HOUSE/HOME, its conceptual properties and means of linguistic representation; and examines the contribution of the data of its multimodal discourse actualization to the cognitive linguistics framework. In cognitive semantics, HOUSE/HOME proves to be a conceptual duplex constituted by various meanings of the polysemantic nouns house and home, and elaborated by the meanings of their synonyms. Within a conceptual network, their common meanings are arranged according to the domains where they are profiled: HUMAN LOCATION / DWELLING, FAMILY. The study of their salience in speech (in literary texts) considers their contextual elaborations, and establishes groups of lexical-semantic variants which are finally blended together within a conceptual model of HOUSE/HOME. This model is a unity of an integral and two differential parts. The integral part is constituted by the meanings: "building where a person lives (with his family)", "dwelling place", family life", "family" shared by the lexemes house (n) and home (n). The differential parts of the model are formed by the meanings which are specific for each polysemantic lexeme. To analyse the HOUSE/HOME actualization in discourse the study adopts a broad perspective on multimodality. It relies on the interaction of verbal and graphic codes and reveals that these semiotic systems are non-isomorphic in representing various meanings of the concept duplex.Документ Enactive meaning-making in the discourse of theatre and film(2019) Shevchenko, Iryna; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаДокумент Conceptualisation of ECONOMIC CRISIS in discourse: from the Great Depression to the Great Recession(2016) Oliynyk, Natalya; Shevchenko, IrynaThe article considers conceptual representation of ECONOMIC CRISIS in the economic mass-media discourse of the two historical periods: 1929–1933 and 2007–2010 to reveal its synchronic and diachronic distinctions and dichotomies. More specifically, it is aimed to study linguistic means representing the concept in the 20th century and determine their diachronic variations. Applying cognitive linguistic instruments, such as component analysis and conceptual metaphor theory, it has been determined that conceptual content, structure and metaphorical representation of ECONOMIC CRISIS are subject to historical variations. Terminologically motivated name of the concept “economic crisis” provides historical stability of its content and structure formed by historical constants DECLINE, UNSTABLE SITUATION, TURNING POINT on the one hand, and affects its historical change: extension with new constituents – variables DISORDER, LANDMARK, ACCIDENT, on the other. Propositional schemas of the concept, mainly those of action and identification, form the cognitive structure of ECONOMIC CRISIS and vary diachronically in the degree of prominence. The dominant conceptual metaphors of ECONOMIC CRISIS of a target domain CRISIS is MOVEMENT DOWN and CRISIS is A STATE OF EMERGENCY are stable through history while their further division into clusters of metaphors varies both in the set of source domains and in their frequency in discourse.Документ Cognitive pragmatics: approaches and perspectives(2019) Shevchenko, Iryna; Шевченко, Ірина СеменівнаIn the twenty-first century, cognitive pragmatics has become a novel and booming research discipline which synthesizes pragmatic and cognitive explanations of human communication. There is a vast number of approaches to cognitive pragmatics resulting both from different theoretical underpinnings and specific ethnic and social-cultural prerequisites of their development, so establishing the principles related to cognitive-pragmatic communication studies has become an urgent necessity. This article fills this gap by adopting theoretical insight into the leading cognitive-pragmatic approaches in western and Ukrainian linguistics. I claim that various approaches in cognitive pragmatics can be roughly divided according to the two leading vectors of theoretical perspectives: from cognitive – to pragmatic and from pragmatic – to cognitive frameworks of analysis. As my discussion demonstrates, growing numbers of empirical and theoretical studies examine cognitive-pragmatic aspects of both utterances / speech acts and discourses, namely their principles of politeness / impoliteness and discourse strategies, in intercultural and historical perspectives. The theoretic rationale for these studies is clear enough. Mental state attribution is integral to pragmatic and cognitive interpretation of processes of human communication. In cognitive pragmatics, which is characterized by highly synthetic and hybrid nature, this attribution is viewed holistically. The article reveals the distinctive characteristics of Ukrainian cognitive-pragmatic studies as compared to western researches. It proves that the cognitive-pragmatic interpretation of the construal of meaning-in-context in various discourses and utterances will have further implications in linguistics and humanities.Документ Cognitive pragmatics of American presidential debates: a case for economic metaphors(2020) Shevchenko, Iryna; Goncharova, Tamara; Gutorov, Volodymyr; Шевченко, Ірина Семенівна; Гончарова, Тамара Іванівна; Гуторов, Володимир ОлександровичThis article focuses on cognitive-pragmatic properties of conceptual metaphors of ECONOMY in the 21st century American presidential campaigns. In this paper, we aim to elaborate the models of metaphoric conceptualization of ECONOMY, state their functions in terms of discourse strategies, and describe their impact on the opponents and the audience. This research is underpinned by conceptual metaphor theories and ideas of cognitive pragmatics, which postulates the unity of cognitive and communicative aspects of discourse. The benefits of this integrative cognitive-pragmatic approach are in the fact that it can consequently explicate the meaning of speaker’s message and the expected impact of their discourse on the audience. For this aim, we stress the persuasive and manipulative nature of American presidential debates as a mass-media mediated genre of political discourse. Adopting a cognitive-pragmatic perspective on presidential debates, we claim that conceptual metaphors of ECONOMY constitute time and ideology specific conceptual models; their dominant functions are persuasive, informative, and manipulative. In the discourse of the 21st century presidential debates, we distinguish seven leading models of conceptual metaphors of ECONOMY, common for both republican and democratic candidates. The choice of discourse strategies of debate participants depends upon the candidates’ intentions while their impact on the opponent and the audience is influenced by meta-communicative issues of candidates’ communicative behavior and (im)politeness strategies in particular. The 21st century presidential debates are characterized by the abundance of discourse strategies of aggression and impoliteness.Документ Cognitive linguistic studies: a global diversity(Харків : Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2017) Shevchenko, Iryna; Шевченко, Ірина Семенівна