Information Geography & Gis


The textbook is a theoretical and methodological basis for studying the selective course "Information Geography and GIS" for students of educational qualification level "Bachelor" in the specialty 106 "Geography", Educational Program "Economic, Social Geography and Regional Development". It can be useful when studying pecial courses such as: "System and Spatial Analysis in Human Geography", "Scientific Workshop", "Information Technologies in Areal Management", "Human-Geographical Forecasting", "Methodology and Contemporary Technologies of Human-geographical Research". The textbook is designed for full-time and part-time students of geographical specialties of universities of I-IV accreditation levels, as well as university lecturers, geography teachers and all those interested in information theory, evolution of systems, general theory of systems development, synergetic, study the basics of the information concept of interaction between society and nature.


Навчальне видання

Ключові слова

SOCIAL SCIENCES, NATURAL SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGY, information geography, information, social and geographical system, information exchange, environmental management, інформаційна географія, інформація, соціогеосистема, інформаційний обмін, природокористування

Бібліографічний опис

Niemets, Kostiantyn. Information geography & gis : textbook = Інформаційна географія і ГІС : навчально-методичний посібник (англ. мовою) / K. Niemets, K. Kravchenko, P. Kobylin, I. Telebienieva. – Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2023. – 92 p.



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